Master Timeline Review2018-08-17T00:38:20-05:00

Master College Prep Timeline Review

For over 14-years, we have been helping parents and students understand what they should be doing when it comes to the College Planning process. Now you can learn from me (Major Betz) directly as I virtually walk you and your student thru what they should be doing (as early as 7th grade) to get into and pay for college. Plug in monthly for this timely information that can help parents keep their hard-earned money in their own pockets! Enjoy this “college prep” journey and remember; we have other GREAT products if your focus is mainly for scholarships! If you decide to upgrade to one of our Scholarship coaching programs (i.e., Bootcamp, the Academy, or the 1-on-1 PREP Coaching program, we will allow you to use the money you invested into this program. (Note: You can always deduct the price paid for this course and apply it to the “regular” price of one of our other coaching programs!)

Step #1

Download the timeline review.

Timeline Review

Step #2

Watch each month and do what we teach on the timeline.

August Timeline Review


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