Learn How You Can Earn 6-Figures In Our SLI Affiliate Program
As an SLI Affiliate Partner, you will be eligible to receive a percentage off the fees paid by parents who find us because they were smart enough to listen to you, or visit us from your website (via an SLI Affiliate Link like the one above), or because of your recommendation. Review the short 10 min video to the left then read below how it works (Bookmark this page):
(1) A future SLI client visits our “product page” from a button/url on your website or via a validated recommendation from you. The banners at the bottom of this page are examples of the banners you will have affiliate links to.
(2) As our active affiliate, if a client makes a purchase, and your webpage or emails are the last affiliate site they visited us from, you will receive an agreed upon percentage from the purchase(s) made by your referrals. You can then keep the profit as monthly income, create a scholarship for your clients/ followers, or do whatever you want with the money.
The bottom line: You gave them a plan of action for how they can pay for college!
We have videos, emails and other online tools that will help guide them to joining one of our programs or staying plugged in until they do or tell others about us!
Click the video to the left to learn more about SLI and envision how the message will resonate with your clients/followers, friends and/or family who need help. Fill out form below if you are interested in earning mailbox money!
Recent News for our Partners
If you are interested in becoming an SLI Affiliate partner, please enter your email to the right and click the submit button. We will contact you to let you know if now is a time we can work together. We will send you a short application that will help us finalize our decision.
In the future, SLI will post Affiliate Partner stats and other helpful information in this box. For now, check out the banners below that we let our affiliates place on their websites, social media and in their emails for potential clients who need our products, goods and services!
Major Betz
Interested in becoming an SLI partner? Fill out form below