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(Note: Subject to change if I have a scheduling conflict)

Most Recent ScholarshipTV Q&A Session & Links

Lead-in video to Friday’s live training, as promised:

We taught about Consistency & Discipline. It’s based on an article by a musician name JQ! It can change your life, IF you apply the teachings. The livevideo of our call only showed my face, so immediately below is the actual pre-recorded training I showed while I was there and answered live questions. I’ll also post the portions of the live session at the bottom of this email that I feel need to be added to hopefully inspire teens and parents alike! Be blessed!

You can click the following link to see the article as you watch the “Pre-recorded Consistency & Discipline training” in the video below:

Below is the PRE-RECORDED training w/slide on YouTube:

The raw uneditted live training w/o slides is below:

The next video below is my live opening followed by me trouble shooting from the 6:00 min point until 7:40. Ignore that portion and listen until the 9:29 portion of the video below. I then play the 15-min video above for the rest of the video (looking at my big ugly face 😂) with additional training by me at the following points:

Interjection by me through the 6:00 min point (Opening)

(Don’t listen from 6:00 thru 7:40 min)

Interjection by me between 7:40 until 9:29 min (Opening)

Interjection by me between 16:18 until 20:50 min (build new habits, track your progress, measure your efforts, focus, map out habits, !!!)

Interjection by me between 23:50 until 25:50 min (Use Motivators and Stressors!!!)

Interjection by me between 31:22 thru 34:47 (closing remarks)

The teachable interjections in the video below above are extremely valuable, so listen to them along with watching the “Pre-recorded Consistency & Discipline training” above! I’m sorry that the screen wasn’t being recorded, but I think you get what I’m trying to do.

Watch this short lesson as we teach how to use “PROCESS” to help you find and apply for scholarships, with a twist! Make sure you check out past Q&A sessions too!

We are helping fewer students, but providing more specific help. Watch this short lesson as we teach how to find and apply for scholarships, with a twist! Make sure you check out the May 2023 Q&A session too!

Ever wonder how a parent should be checking to see if their students are doing the course? Wonder no more! Watch this 7-min clip to learn how to better monitor your student’s consumption of our course material.

Don’t skip over this lesson! We cover 3 points each of you will want to know!

  1. Sample Award Letter (Click Here)
  2. Subsidized vs Unsubsidized Loan Meanings
  3. SLI New 1-on-1 VIP Program (Don’t miss this b/c it is limited)

We talked about the many riches of STEM Scholarships out there available for those who want to either major, OR or just is interested in STEM!!! (NOT CORRECT VIDEO….I’m currently editing it to remove my tax return snapshot….back up shortly)

Our February call was combined with the USB Masterclass for our Dec USB Training. It was amazing and full of new information that I have never taught as we answered questions and heard great testimonials from one of our clients! Make this a must-watch for parents and students in your household! (Note: 39:50-43:12 was accidentally muted. Just fast-forward beyond it.)

Our January call was pushed back to Thursday due to the NFL playoffs! I do listen to you guys! The two questions we addressed were:

Video #1 – (1) How to know which SLI option is best for SLI students/families!

Video #2 – (2) What can you do to get your students re-focused whether they are in college OR middle school?

Video 1 of 2

Video #2 of 2

Our December call had technical difficulties at the start, but we now have the chat problem figured out. Skip past that small challenge to the 4:10 part of the video and take notes…this was a GREAT session!

We had no attendees in September, October or November, so this is the December live webinar. Enjoy!

This Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp video is Part 3 of 3 (Summer iPad Giveaway). We planned to give away an iPad in Aug 2022, simply to the student who did the most work this Summer after they were given FREE access to the Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp. Do you want to be shocked? Watch the final of 3 videos (from Aug 21st) and then decide what you will do to win the next time SLI makes an incredible offer!

This Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp video is Part 2 of 3 (Summer iPad Giveaway). We will be giving one of you an iPad in Aug 2022, if you tally more points than your peers! Watch the upcoming video (from July 24th) and then do the things on the tally sheet necessary to win!

This Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp video is Part 1 of 3 (Summer iPad Giveaway). We will be giving one of you an iPad in Aug 2022, if you tally more points than your peers! Watch this 20-min video and then do the things on the tally sheet necessary to win!

This 34-min video covered a common question I have been getting lately. When is a scholarship legitimate or a scam? We cover this topic, Grammarly, Scholarship Databases, etc.

How to tell when a scholarship is a scam? I found an article online and decided to share the key parts with you.


  1. Require essays or at least a few short-answer responses
  2. Require additional support such as transcripts, SAT/ACT scores and recommendation letters
  3. Most have minimum G.P.A requirements – though there are some exceptions to this
  4. Are rewarded once or twice per year


  1. One 100 characters or less for your ‘essay’
  2. Commonly use the term ‘sweepstakes’, ‘drawing’, or ‘random selection’
  3. Have zero requirements aside from entering your basic information
  4. Ask for your social security number (FAFSA [a government site] is the only legitimate site that should ask for this)
  5. Are rewarded weekly or monthly

Watch the April Q&A replay to review this great session that will fire you and your family up to do more (34-min)! The link below takes you to the Membership Site. Login first then check out the replay!

This 20-min video covered way more than I expected! The only way you can get value out of it is if you watch and then do what I’m teaching!  If you are a HS Senior and not taking the time to check out this short clip, I question how serious you are about finding scholarships.

The March Scholarship TV Call covered the following and so much more:


Value in the old links

Value of other parts of the site

$40k winner wrote thank you note

“Know How to Go” College Prep Course (MS & HS)

Crazy Coupon Lady Scholarships

What to do when the link doesn’t show you what you were looking for!

Plus so much more…

Watch the Mar Q&A replay to review this great session that will fire you and your family up to do more (20-min)! The link below takes you to the Membership Site. Login first then check out the replay!

This 61-min video covered way more than I expected! The only way you can get value out of it is if you watch and then do what I’m teaching!

The Febuary Scholarship TV Call covered the following and so much more:

Value of the SLI Membership – Basketball Coach Analogy

Navigating the Scholarship Databases and weeding out the duds (Use existing searches)

Links Scholarship – $7500

Value of Finding and applying for Local Scholarships

Institutional Scholarships

Finding Help for Essay Reviews (Grammarly, Scholly, Colleges, Churches, Family, etc.)

GenTx & Cafe College Value

Foundation Scholarships in your city

Finding pdf list of scholarships 

Explaining the value of our 1-on-1 Plus course and a $150 rebate if you decide to join it within your 1st 5 months in the Monthly Membership)

Scholarship Search Tips Live

Plus so much more…

This 62-min video is filled with great information! I’m certain something in it will help your student now or in the future!

The January Scholarship TV Call covered the following and so much more:

Value of the SLI Membership to your family


Yellow Ribbon

Create a Full Scholarship by adding them up

Institutional Scholarships

Scholarships for HS Juniors

Substituting SAT/ACT scores

Scholarship Spreadsheet template

Foundation Scholarships in your city

Finding pdf list of scholarships 

Companies that pay your tuition BEFORE you graduate

Find Merit-based Scholarships (aka automatic scholarships based on merit)

How to get around private school caps on your scholarships (tip: just ask!)

Plus so much more…

This short 12-min video is filled to the end with goodness! I’m certain something in it will help your student now or in the future!

The video below was a sponsored webinar (“Graduate College Debt-Free”) I did for my church and my local community. We discussed a host of issues but our monthly calls with you are designed to cover so much more! Please join us monthly during our office hours or at least send your questions so I can specifically help you and your family. The video, overview & entire outline (with links) is listed below. Please watch/review it before our December live call. This is a GREAT lesson!


Stupid, Smart, or Wise

5 Steps of Goal-Setting to Graduate College Debt-Free

Swing the bat

Invitation to Upcoming HBCU Events

Plus so much more…

Watch the video below to review this inspirational video that will fire you and your family up to do more! (94-min)


Stupid, Smart or Wise Word Picture

5 Steps of Goal-Setting (Scholarship Edition)

∙Decide what you want

∙Decide what you are willing to do to get what you want

∙Decide what you are willing to give up to get what you want

∙Develop a plan

∙Work that plan

You will become what you focus on!

1. Decide What You Want

What ever you are thinking WILL impact your scholarship & college success

2. Decide What You Willing To Do To Get It

Whatever you tune into you will turn into

3. Decide what you are willing to give up to get what you want

– Youth group, Sports, Extracurricular activities

– Goal-based socialization

– Use a calendar (things you write down get done!)

Whatever entertains you trains you!

4. Develop a Plan

– How many scholarships weekly, use spreadsheet, then apply for xx monthly

  • Google
  • Databases
  • Websites
  • Spreadsheets
  • Research, institutional scholarships, deadlines, etc.

Dragon app, Grammarly, Scholly App, college writing centers, etc. for essay help

– Research FAFSA rules, meaning of EFC, Public vs Private, CSS Profile, etc. (FAFSA Tips)

5. Work That Plan

– Just do it (Instead of me, use your parents or an accountability partner)

– Focus on the process and not the results (like planting tomatoes – Trey)

– Make sure someone is checking your work (essays, applications, etc.)

– Letters of recommendation (Write if necessary, variety, etc.)

Focus on getting into college and  graduating college debt-free

Swing the Bat Word Picture

Upcoming HBCU Events

Nov 27th Bayou Classic Watch Party with SU Alumni

HBCU College Fair by IMBRACE (Jan 29, 2022)

HBCU College Send-Off IMBRACE (May 2022)

Stay tuned for the next SLI Free Q&A session in Spring 2022

We discussed a host of issues:

1. FAFSA Tips & Tricks

2. Module #5 Early Access

3. Strategies to reduce your EFC

4. Importance & Value of our Monthly Calls

5. If you ask for access to Module #5 BEFORE Nov 1st 2021, we will give it to you, EVEN if you are brand new!!!

6. Plus so much more…

Links from Tonight’s Call:

Watch the video below to review the extremely interactive call (66-min)

We discussed a host of issues:

1. Time Allocation

2. Travel Scholarships

3. Tips and Techniques Review

4. Importance of Plugging in Monthly

5. How to get your money’s worth from our membership

6. Lessons learned from an almost 2-hr Loyalty Call with a member

7. Looked up scholarships & differentiated between lottery scholarships

8. Plus so much more…

Watch the video below to review the call (58-min)

We discussed a host of issues:

1. 7th grader wins a scholarship – Major Betz doubles his scholarship

2. Password issues

3. Watch out for Spams – Add to your contact list

4. Easy/Quick Scholarships

5. Upcoming Orientation

6. Importance of Cliff Notes

Watch the video below (17-min)

Training Session for new and old clients! Wanna learn how to benefit from the Membership? Watch this video (58-min)

How to Send Major Betz Your Info Page – Did you review the entire Getting Started Page? – If you did, you know I asked you to send me some info about your student. That better helps me to provide more content that your family can use! Take 2-min to learn how to start letting me better help your family! (2-min)

How to Reduce Your EFC and SLI Essay Training is On the Way! (7-min)

The Most Important Message I Could Give To You To Succeed in the Membership (17-min)

Tonight we covered a new upcoming SLI Book “Follow-up: A Key to Your Scholarship Success! (17-min) So many of you or your student can win big $$$ if you act on one or two of the tips in this book! The information works, IF you do the work. Enjoy!

Tonight we covered a new SLI Book “Treat Scholarship Search Like a Job! (22-min) So many of you or your student can win big $$$ if you act on one or two of the tips in this book! The information works, IF you do the work. Enjoy!

Covid-19 can positively impact your scholarship quest! Learn about our latest big winner? (11-min)

(Update: I found the excerpts for the book, “The 10 Things You Gotta Know About Paying for College” that I referenced in this month’s Q&A. I’ll be adding it to the site later today AND I’ll be teaching you about how I did it during the January 2021 Q&A! Do plan on joining me!  You will be able to use this technique for finding $$$ for college and so much more throughout your life!)

What Do You Need To Do Next To Win Scholarships in Our Course? (11-min)

Online Scholarship Search (7-min)

Online Scholarship Search (7-min)

Part 1 of 2 (Disciplining Your Mind)

Part 2 of 2 (Includes, finding scholarships by dates, by States, and by grade for a 6th grader)

The video below is #1 of 3 videos where I’m gonna show you exactly what I show my 1-on-1 clients as we cater my training specifically to them. If you successfully do the SAME THING for yourself OR with your student, you can experience similar success! This is NOT a part of your course, so make sure you watch it. I removed part 2 and 3, but you can still enjoy part 1 below for a little while longer. Nobody showed for February or March. I will remove the video below and sell a new course, so check it out ASAP. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!