SLI Educational Catalog of Products and Programs


Here at the SCHOLARSHIP LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE we pride ourselves on providing something for everyone – If you can’t find what you need, or want for your student in the product list below, we didn’t do something right! So please contact our office to get your questions answered. You can also join our FREE SLI Scholarship Membership Page at

To discuss and learn more about SLI’s great deals and product/program prices OR to book Major Betz, Please contact us at:

Email: or via the Contact Us button in the menu (click here). If you are looking to book Major Betz visit the “Book Me” Page in the menu!

Explore Our SLI Educational Offers Below to Help Your Students Achieve Scholarship Success Like Others Under Major Betz’ Guidance!

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION: “I Don’t Think I Can Afford a Product Below? Click (+) Symbol Below to See Why/How that’s not true!”

This is a question I answer 60 times a year. I hope it helps you pay for your student’s college!

SLI FAQ: My kid needs help to pay for college, but I can’t afford your prices?

1. I hold FREE nationwide Q&A sessions, so if your kid is a priority and you truly need help, you would make time to attend one of those sessions on our Events Page.

2. I have some programs that cost as little as a few hundred dollars in which people learned enough to go out and earn 6- and 7-figures. Many people spend more on Christmas gifts for one kid or the price of a concert date, than it cost for our Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp.

3. We have programs where parents pay 0% Interest for 6-months so they make monthly payments to take our Bootcamp or Academy courses! If you could pay less than $100/month to help your student earn 6-figures, you should let SLI work with you and your student(s).

4. If you can’t afford my prices, as low as a few hundred dollars, then you really should consider sending your student to Junior or Community College. It’s a great way to save money while keeping your students on track and you can do that without my help. My business focus is to help students graduate college debt-free! We help families avoid avoidable student loans.

This 2-min video helps parents understand how/why they can afford our help:

Be blessed,

Major Nippy Betz

SLI Monthly Scholarship Membership

For Teachable 7th Graders thru College Students – SLI’s most popular course (formerly called the Scholarship Academy); this monthly class teaches the basics of college admissions and how to win BIG scholarships NOW. Major Betz walks families, as a group thru the scholarship process! Visit our portal to learn more by clicking the button below! This is a great course for college students too, who don’t feel they need the College Prep 1-on-1 Coaching Program, but want to have Major Betz as their teacher each month to help them pay for college!

Learn More Here

One-on-One Plus

For sharp 9th Graders thru Advanced-Degree College Students – SLI’s Premier 1-on-1 Prep Scholarship coaching program has been discontinued! It has been replaced by our One-on-One Plus Scholarship program. It also is designed to give HS & College Students, regardless of their Avatar-type, a chance at a 6- or 7-figure return on investments. This new course is the 1-on-1 1-hr consultation with Major Betz combined with 12-months of the SLI Monthly Membership! Do you truly want your student to learn how to graduate from college debt-free? The Return on Investment for this course could out perform your stocks if you and your student buy in to Major Betz’ proprietary scholarship success system! It can put you on the road to success!!! Enroll your student TODAY! We no longer do the SLI 1-on-1 PREP Coaching Program. This course has replaced it. Learn more by clicking the “Learn More Button” below!

Learn more here

Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 11.46.14 AMSLI “Online” Ultimate Scholarship Bootcamp


Online 3-hr Scholarship Bootcamps (from home)

For 7th Grade thru College Students – Want to learn how to graduate from college debt-free? Parent and Student enroll in this one-of-a-kind 3-hr scholarship bootcamp where you will map out your own successful plan to get into and pay for college! I’ll also work with your student in follow-on 2-hr Masterclass environment via a webinar AFTER the bootcamp! Major Betz’ proprietary scholarship success system can put you on the road to success!!! Learn more by clicking the button below!


One-On-One (1 hour w/Major Betz)

To get counseling or advice from Major Betz takes him away from his clients and business development. It would be cheaper to just join one of his programs, but if you only want his time, he is now making himself available! He can help your student! Any money paid for this 1-on-1 counseling can be used toward one of our coaching programs within 1-week after the counseling session.

Log In or Register

SLI Audio e-Book


Buy incredible audio-book of Major Betz’ first e-book! Check out this TV interview discussing the book:  For the price of a 2-movie tickets, you can buy a soft copy of Major Betz’ modified e-book today! In this 34-page book, Major Betz talks about 10 areas he wishes he could share with all teens! The book is delivered in a pdf file for viewing on your electronic device! This audio book provides over an hour of life-changing tips and inspiration, so consider it if you like to listen to books on tape! Listen to 1-min by clicking here!



SLI e-Book


Buy Major Betz’ edited e-book (original was published in 2013)! For the price of a Starbuck’s cup of coffee, you can buy a soft copy of Major Betz’ modified e-book today! In this 28-page book, Major Betz talks about 10 areas he wishes he could share with all teens! The book is delivered in a pdf file for viewing on your electronic device! There is also an audio-book version of this book available; It provides over an hour of life-changing tips and inspiration, so consider it if you like to listen to books on tape!


Purchase e-books on Amazon


Many of our short, but powerful e-books (include embedded videos to enhance learning) are for sale Ala carte via the Amazon Kindle-Direct Publishing platform. You can click the button below to go to Major Betz’ online Amazon bookstore, but if you are a part of our SLI Monthly Membership or 1-on-1 coaching program, you will get free copies of the books on a monthly basis. This series of books are based on 150+ rules on “How to graduate college debt-free.” These books will help parents transform their students by providing learning opportunities on a monthly basis to keep their students focused on the prize. As you read the short e-books, discover strategies to help 7th-12th graders qualify and apply for scholarships. Encounter leadership strategies that will develop your student. Plus so much more.


Get a 5-min shot of inspirational leadership from Major Betz as he teaches leadership lessons from the bible. The bible is full of success principles that students can use to succeed in school as they work on their education! You don’t want to miss out on getting this FREE shot of weekly motivation! Simply click the button below and enjoy the lessons! Check back every week for new content!

Click here to listen/watch